1. |
Our process
is the simplest you'll find. No pre-registration is required, which
means you won't have to wade through pages and pages of conditions
and agreements. |
2. |
really are only three steps to selling your used discs: Get a quote
(and free mailer); send in the discs; and receive your payment.
3. |
receive a free mailer to ship the discs back to us and we'll pay
for First-Class postage, too. No one else will do that. |
4. |
instantly get a quote for the amount we'll pay you. Also, in the
near future, we'll be adding PayPal support for those customers
that want to get their money even faster. |
5. |
You can
sell as few as six discs at a time or as many as you have to sell.
No auctions or uploading hassles, just very fast service. |
6. |
If you
have music on your hard drive, you can clean up the discs you no
longer need, and "clean up" by cashing in on them. |
7. |
We have
thousands of satisfied customers who have quickly turned their used
CDs and used DVDs into cash. Read what some of them have to say
here! |